Lottery Winners

Being a lottery winner takes some skill in figuring out which numbers to play combined with a little luck. There is no standardized type of lottery winner. Lottery winners come from all walks of life and from all over the world. Some are rich, some are not. Young, old and all ages in between play to make all of their dreams come true. After all, that’s what it’s all about.
There are some common things that lotteries winners do share. That feeling of euphoria when you see that your lucky numbers match the winning numbers drawn for that game. Another thing they share is the overwhelming amount of attention they receive as a winner. Their 15 minutes of fame can sometimes be a bit more than they bargained for.
Unfortunately, money can affect people in a less than desirable manner. Most winners have shared stories about losing friends and becoming distant from some family members. It’s very common for friends and family to come at the winners from all directions with their hands out looking for a share of the money. There are certainly some examples of those individuals having legitimate needs that could benefit from some financial assistance however, they should simply make the winner aware of the situation and let it run it’s course from there without adding any pressure. There are examples also that winners have shared of friends and family members faking needs in order to get some cash. When the winners inform those asking that they cannot or will not offer them any money, it usually ends the relationship which is unfortunate.
There are many great things lottery winners share as well. Stories of good deeds and philanthropy abound. Most winners have a charitable side and don’t look for any type of recognition for it.
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