Life-changing jackpot finally claimed!

Couple on honeymoon in luxury hotel

The National Lottery has confirmed that the Lotto jackpot winner from the draw on Saturday 22nd May has finally come forward to claim their prize of €6,489,165 . Arrangements are now being made for the lucky winner, who appears to have been in no hurry to claim their life-changing prize.

The ticket holder from the Midlands became the 3rd  Lotto jackpot winner of the this year. The lucky person bought their winning ticket at the Applegreen service station located just off the M6/N6 motorway in the Arcadia Retail Park in Athlone, Co. Westmeath.

“We are delighted to confirm that the lucky Lotto winner who scooped the €6.4M jackpot on Saturday 22nd May 2021 has at last made contact with our prize claims team, we are now in the process of making arrangements for the jackpot prize to be paid out.” A National Lottery spokesperson said.

This win marked the first of three consecutive Lotto jackpot wins over the course of three weekends. Following the €6,489,165 win on Saturday 22nd May, a Lotto player in Cork scooped the €2.4M jackpot on 29th May after purchasing their ticket at a foodstore in the seaside town of Myrtleville. The third Lotto jackpot win came on Saturday 5th June when an online player in Galway won a €2,475,303 jackpot.

Meanwhile, the Lotto jackpot for 14th July is set to to an estimated around €6M.

The Lotto says nearly 30 cent in every €1 spent on all National Lottery games goes back to Good Causes in the areas of sport, youth, health, welfare, education, arts, heritage. In total more than €6 billion has been raised for Good Causes since the National Lottery was established 34 years ago. In 2020, €254 million was raised for local Good Causes in communities across Ireland.


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